Peter Gabriel - I have the touch
Peter Gabriel song "I Have The Touch" and the video is from the movie THX-1138. This was edited back in 1990.
2010台北藝穗節《向田邦子》女主角蘇榕真情告白,和戲劇的淵源起自於父親,服務戲曲的半生緣,終於又要站上舞台,看似輕鬆,其實就如同向田邦子的文字一樣,舉重若輕。 徐曉晶拍攝、剪接。
ギャルル - Boom Boom めっちゃマッチョ!
Since everyone else seems to be doing it, I also did a Para Para video to Gyaruru's "Boom Boom Meccha Maccho!" I thought the flapping move on the "boom boom" was too girly and didn't fit the lyric, so I changed it. This is to the version with Abebe cos I like it way more than the Tsujiji version. And I'm even tan and wearing a sleeveless hoodie thing like Abebe haha. Top that amateurs! :-P jk ENJOY!
ブレイヴフェンサー 武蔵伝 - クレスト・ガーディアン レリクスキーパー
ボス: レリクスキーパー - Relic Keeper, Guardian (クレスト・ガーディアン) of the Water Crest. ブレイヴフェンサー 武蔵伝 - Brave Fencer Musashiden (Japanese Version) PS1/PSX