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Insid The Actors Studio - Kiefer Sutherland

Insid The Actors Studio - Kiefer Sutherland

Kiefer Sutherland onInside the Actors Studio hosted by James Lipton season 11, episode 12 original airdate 2005-01-23 i had to cut out alle the movie bits because otherwise youtube would have blocked the video This video does not belong to me and no copyright infringement is intended. This video has been uploaded for educational end entertaining purposes only. The video is owned by Bravo.
Devo inserire nel mio curriculum qualche aneddoto su come Kiefer Sutherland mi disse che ero destinato alla gloria.

As much as I love @jamesmaslow I still consider Kiefer Sutherland to be OMFG gorgeous. Sorry James, but it's important you know this ;) lol

RT @eyelashwishess: I could definitely see Jared Leto playing David in The Lost Boys if Kiefer Sutherland hadn't.

Wait. First 24 hours are the hardest? Excuse me while I channel some Kiefer Sutherland....

Kiefer sutherland!! 24 kijken met mam

After successfully falling more in love with Jack Bauer..Kiefer Sutherland..either one really, I'm going to sleep. Haha! :)

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