The beach boys -good vibrations

The beach boys -good vibrations

Good vibrations from good vibrations tour 1976 with birthday party of brian with paul and linda Mccartney
Last day of winter break! Taking the boys out to lunch with @808shows then hitting the beach with our SUPs. #Waikiki. :)

how can the master chef guy on mastermind NOT know that Good Vibrations was by Beach boys?????? #shameful

a friend today : "Oh Clemence I thought of you at 1am, there was Niall on the TV with the boys when they sing on the beach" ahah

the beach boys are so cool

I'm home and not liking this weather:/ get me back to the beach please where I can stare at all the lovely Spanish boys.

theme musis for the day: the beach boys!....yeah' i like rubbing it in ur faces, that im in #LA sunshine :P

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