Tesco Homeplus Virtual Subway Store in South Korea
When grocery chain Tesco wanted to expand their market share in South Korea, they came up with a brilliant idea. Because the people in South Korea work long hours they thought of an efficient way to sell their products. The Korean subsidiary Home Plus put up billboards in subway stations with their range of products, accompanied by QR, or Quick Response codes. All people had to do now is scan the QR codes with their cell phone and the groceries were delivered to their doorsteps.
AneCan連載 YURISM(連載 蛯原友里)メイキング
AneCanで好評連載中のYURISM。 今回は、パリでの撮影。パリのクリエイターとセッションし、完成しました。 いつもと違うヘア&メークで、映画女優のようなクラシカルな雰囲気に。 この撮影の模様は、AneCan3月号&4月号に掲載されています。 AneCan公式サイト:anecan.tv