The Raven read by James Earl Jones

The Raven read by James Earl Jones

This is the amazing poem by Edgar Allen Poe, a perfect Halloween classic. This version is read by the amazing James Earl Jones.
There is one thing that use to bother me and that's when someone hates me, but now I dont care. Lol *~ Raven ~*

RT @xo_kissMYpink: Raven Desiree' Williams >>>>>>>>>> #myheart !!!!!

RT @FreddyAmazin: My disney channel was "Even Stevens", "That's so Raven", & "Lizzie McGuire" It didn't involve talking fish or 11 year olds in high school

RT @FreddyAmazin: My disney channel was "Even Stevens", "That's so Raven", & "Lizzie McGuire" It didn't involve talking fish or 11 year olds in high school

waitinq on raven to call back.

@JayeEdkins Raven was the best show on Disney, after Lizzie ended anyway, lol, I still love watching it

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