Ovnis Reales En Quito Ecuador 2012 - Real Ufos In Quito Ecuador San Francisco de Quito, es la ciudad capital de la República del Ecuador1 y también de la provincia de Pichincha,2 es la segunda ciudad más grande y poblada del Ecuador. Además es cabecera cantonal o distrital del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito.3 Está ubicada sobre la hoya de Guayllabamba en las laderas orientales del estratovolcán activo Pichincha, en la parte occidental de los Andes. Se encuentra aproximadamente en las coordenadas 0°13′23″S 78°30′45″O y su altitud promedio es de 2800 msnm La ciudad está dividida en 32 parroquias, las cuales se subdividen en barrios. Quito, formally San Francisco de Quito, is the capital city of Ecuador, and at an elevation of 9350 feet (2800 meters above sea level), it is the highest capital city in the world housing the administrative, legislative and judicial functions.[1] It is located in north-central Ecuador in the Guayllabamba river basin, on the eastern slopes of Pichincha, an active stratovolcano in the Andes mountains. With a population of 2197698 according to the last census (2001), and, as estimated by the municipality, approximately 2504991 in 2005, Quito is the second most populous city in Ecuador, after Guayaquil. It is also the capital of the Pichincha province and the seat of Metropolitan District of Quito. The canton recorded a population of 1842201 residents in the 2001 national census. In 2008, the city was designated as the headquarters of the Union of ...