The basic story is of a line repairman who encounters a UFO and has trouble relating this to his wife that is in denial. There are parallel stories of others encountering UFO’s. Eventually the government is also contacted and sets up a meeting. The encountered have also been compelled to attend to the government’s consternation. Will the other invitees make it to the rendezvous point? What trials and tribulations must they endure on the way?
The lighter version (ASIN: 0767827031) of the film. This is closer to the original but still not the one shown on TV. I bought this after I realized I had the darker version. did the research for me
The dark version (ASIN: 0800198395) that cut out all the comic scenes like throwing all the dirt in the window. And added some Mother gets disturbed scenes. I bought the dark version first because I thought it had the special ending where the inside of the ship is shown. But I did not know that it was completely remade. Some of the Gas mask scenes are missing also.
If this review ends up on another version you will have to check for your self how complete it really is and what has been cut out.
Other than that if you did not see the original or the third version that is shown periodically on TV you would like this movie and it is worth the purchase price.
カール・オルフの名合唱曲『カルミナ・ブラーナ』(ヨッフム盤が素晴らしい名演です!)に通じるスリリングかつダイナミックな雰囲気を持った『スター・ウォーズ エピソード1 ファントム・メナス〜運命の闘い』。
音質がすばらしい! 演奏の録音はもちろんですが、効果音がまたすごい! 「ジュラッシックパーク」では、今にも恐竜から頭を喰われちゃいそう! 個人的には「ポルターガイスト」が、ドラマの印象と違ってかわいらしいので好きです。
ビークルの美味しい所はそのまんまに でも前よりも全然、音の幅を広げてる
ホント自由気ままにやっちゃってる感じなのに 一曲一曲の完成度はすごい高い 曲ごとにサウンドが全然違うから聞いてて楽しい
しっとりもアップテンポもなんでも来いな感じ これがEPopなのかな??笑
これは小難しい事は考えないで わくわくしながら聞ける1枚