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Christian Lacroix

Christian Lacroix

Outrageous designer Christian Lacroix took the quieter themes of Impressionism and Atlantis for Spring Summer 2008.
RT @SorryImSnobby: I wore Christian Lacroix to homecoming in high school... so no, I would not like to go to American Eagle with you. #SorryImSnobby

I have just bought myself a Christian LaCroix journal... Because life is too short not to have one.

I wore Christian Lacroix to homecoming in high school... so no, I would not like to go to American Eagle with you. #SorryImSnobby

if christian lacroix brings a smile ill by it.....................LOL ;)

Aquele do Christian Lacroix

Debo decir q la campaña de Christian Lacroix es la forma mas patetica de terminarde dañar una marca que trata desesperadamente de sobrevivir

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