ニコラス・エドワーズ innocent world のどじまん

ニコラス・エドワーズ innocent world のどじまん

ニコラス・エドワーズ innocent world 外国人 のどじまん
@sense19920510 @chyobin55 俺も今後はレポ書こうかなぁ。いつも『書こう!』って思ってるのに、いまだに一度も書いた事がない(^^;)初ミスチルライブ(94年ツアーinnocent world)の記憶なんて、一曲目(蜃気楼)は覚えてるけど、正確なセトリは(汗)

@AlexRich84 quite. Either they're he most innocent people in the world, or nobody dared mention it...

@ailyneocampo YEA. Oh. You are really innocent :( You are the only one in this world doesn't know that i am COOL :( Bad for you =))))))))))

I know Ive done my fair share but I honestly think I'm too innocent for his world. Either I need to get with it or figure it out ...

“@x___KeKeyP God continue to watch over and protect my family, friends and all of the other innocent ppl out here in the world.”

There are so many careless drivers in the world, so many innocent people died :(

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