Jason Mraz - I'm Yours (Live On Earth Single Video)

Jason Mraz - I'm Yours (Live On Earth Single Video)

© 2009 WMG I'm Yours (Live On Earth Single Video)
RT @idillionaire: RT @FreddyAmazin: Having a song stuck In your head while taking a test. "not now!!!"

If you don't find yourself and your behavior utterly absurd, I'm not sure that we can be friends.

RT @Shaziewana: Thanks for today! ! <3<3<3 @sabrinafzl @AidaSofeaaa @ZzLaLazZ25 love your presents!!!!! :DD

I'm not your second choice not your backup plan. So don't text me when you're bored.

Blowing your nose in the morning so you can go through the rest of your day snot-free is an absolutely joyful experience.

That mini heart attack you get when you reach in your pocket and your phone isn't there.

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